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MCA Update for DIN Activation and Active Filing

Big Opportunity by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to the Directors and Companies to remove their status as Deactivated/ non-compliant.


MCA has provided an opportunity to all DIN holders having their DINs marked as ‘Deactivated’ due to non-filing of DIR-3KYC/DIR-3 KYC-Web and those Companies whose compliance status has been marked as “ACTIVE non-compliant” due to non-filing of Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification(ACTIVE) eform can become compliant once again by filing DIR-3KYC/DIR-3KYC-Web/ACTIVE as the case may be between 1st April, 2020 to 30th September, 2020 without any filing fee of INR 5000/INR 10000 respectively.