What is Transfer Pricing Certificate?
The taxpayer is required to get the transfer pricing certificate (Form 3CEB) signed from a chartered accountant u/s 92E of the Act where the taxpayer has entered into international transaction with Associated Enterprise irrespective of the quantum involved. In case of Specified Domestic Transactions, the threshold is INR 20 crore to get the certificate signed from a Chartered Accountant. The form contains 25 clauses which are divided into 3 parts – Part A) General information Part B) Details of international transactions, value involved and method employed and Part C) Details of Specified Domestic Transactions, value involved and method employed.
What are some methods to determine the arm’s length price?
Section 92C of the Act has prescribed six methods to compute the arm’s length price which are selected based on the nature of transactions and availability of comparable details. The methods are:-
Comparable uncontrolled price method (CUP);
Resale price method (RPM);
Cost plus method (CPM);
Profit split method (PSM);
Transactional net margin method (TNMM) and
Such other method as may be prescribed by the Board.
The ALP of any transaction can be determined by using any one of the prescribed methods that is the most appropriate for the transaction in question.